Heroes for a Better World

Sarah Winnemucca
(c. 1844-1891)

Native American Writer
National Women's Hall of Fame

birthdate: ?
near Humboldt River in what is now Nevada


For shame! For shame! You dare to cry out Liberty, when you hold us in places against our will, driving us from place to place as if we were beasts.

I would place all the Indians of Nevada on ships in our harbor, take them to New York and land them there as immigrants, that they might be received with open arms....

Oh for shame! You who are educated by a Christian government in the art of war; the practice of whose profession makes you natural enemies of the savages, so called by you. Yes, you, who call yourselves the great civilization; you who have knelt upon Plymouth Rock, covenanting with God to make this land the home of the free and the brave. Ah, then you rise from your bended knees and seizing the welcoming hands of those who are the owners of this land, which you are not, your carbines rise upon the bleak shore, and your so-called civilization sweeps inland from the oceans wave; but oh, my God! Leaving its pathway marked by crimson lines of blood and strewed the bones of two races, the inheritor and the invader; and I am crying out to you for justice -- yes, pleading for the far-off plains of the West"

"If you make fun of bad persons you make yourself beneath them. . . . Be kind to bad and good, for you don't know your own heart."


Better World Handbook
by Ellis Jones, et al

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