Heroes for a Better World

Juan Pablo Orrego

Chilean Environmental Activist
1997 Winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize
1998 Winner of the Right Livelihood Award

birthdate: ?
Santiago, Chile


My experience in living and working with indigenous people has given me the hope that I have - they have taught me concretely that humans have the capacity to be marvelous, and not destructive.

The situation is extremely complex. Just the combination of the indigenous and environmental issues in one cause in Chile today is 'explosive'. If you add the issues of energy policy, ENDESA's monopoly, citizens' participation and the imperfection of Chile's democracy - issues which are all in question around the Biobío situation - then you will understand why the Biobío cause is so important as to be called emblematic by many."


Better World Handbook
by Ellis Jones, et al

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BetterWorld Shopping Guide
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